Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pinch me...I'm NOT dreaming

You know that expression "Pinch me, I must be dreaming"?? Well for me that expression should be "Pinch me, I'm NOT dreaming". Why? I've lately been amazed by realizing just HOW QUICKLY technology has improved in the last 10 years, and HOW MUCH it has became a central part of many people's lives in the US. But what really astounds me is that I haven't really noticed it. Sure, I'm aware of it when people say "technology is improving so fast now!" and each time a new gadget comes out (like the iPhone), but to really realize how different our lives are TODAY compared to 10 years ago - .....I'm speechless. Pinch me, I'm NOT dreaming.

Things I use daily today that I did not 5 years ago:

-Facebook: And other social networking sites to keep in touch with people I normally would have lost contact years ago

Internet "radio station" that is 100% customizable for you, and just you

Application that shows you webpages that YOU want to see, 100% customized to you

To read reviews. The product or service I choose to buy is usually 80% based on reviews I read!

-My boyfriend's iPhone
To get directions when we're lost. To get product reviews while I'm shopping in a non-online store!

I take it for granted now that I have all these technologies at the tip of my fingers. I feel helpless when I leave home and realize I don't have my cell phone. I feel exasperated when I get lost driving (happens all the time) and I don't have GPS to tell me where to go. And when I need to buy a product I'm unfamiliar with, I can't imagine having to make a purchasing decision based SOLELY on the product's own packaging and advertising! :) What a life. Pinch me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're completely right! I've thought about that so many times and I'm not only surprised but also a little concerned about how much we've become dependent on those technologies. Nowadays I probably wouldn't even be able to regularly (and even worse: spontaneously) meet up with friends if I didn't have a cell phone, but up to less than 10 years ago everyone seemed to manage it just fine!
What's scarier to me is: can you imagine what new dependences we'll have created 20 years from now?? *shiver*

PS: I uploaded a picture but I can't see it on my blog... new technologies can be annoying as hell too! :-)